Brazil’s Goldfajn Calls For Law Enshrining Central Bank Autonomy

    2016-11-18 17:41:17

    By Bruce Douglas

    (Bloomberg) — Brazil’s central bank president, Ilan Goldfajn, calls for a law to guarantee the bank’s autonomy in an interview with Por Sinal, the central bank union magazine.

    * “I think it is important that we stop being one of the few    countries that does not have a law for the autonomy of the    central bank,” Goldfajn said in the interview.

    * Goldfajn added that the law should set out the government’s    mandate for the bank and the freedom for the bank to achieve    that objective. Such a law would also have to be accompanied    with some kind of budgetary rearrangement to give the    central bank the freedom it requires, he said.

    * The central bank president also said in the interview that    he thinks that such a law will be discussed in 2017.


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    Matéria seguinteIlan Goldfajn defende discussão de lei sobre autonomia do BC em 2017